Be on the lookout for kittens outside
a special needs cat
Ramen is an all grey cat with a great personality. He was at PetSmart for only a short time before he was adopted. A month or so after his adoption, it was discovered that he had hyperthyroidism. Yes, that can be treated, but the treatment can be expensive. The new mom decided that she would like to keep Ramen, but asked if we could help with his 'radio-cat' treatment. If you would like to make a donation to help Ramin, please click on the DONATE button below.
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a special needs cat
We just found a foster home for a cat with an autoimmune skin disease - the cats name is M&M. She is the sweetest cat - she even comes up to strangers for a pet.
She's definitely in pain with her disease and today was her first vet visit in over a year. Her owner could not afford to have her taken care of. There's a plan in place to get her on the road to recovery. The foster Mom is a great person willing to do a long-term care for her to get her stabilized and help her recover from this disease. She is going to take a lot of vet visits and special foods and meds. Click on the link below if you would like to help with her recovery.
a special needs cat
Thanks to M&M's foster mom, her vet and all the people who donated towards her care....THANK YOU !!!!